This week I only have 9 out of my 29 students in class. The rest of my kids are at camp (only 80 students are able to go, so the first 80 kids who brought back their paperwork were chosen). I have one super sweet boy who went last year and said this year he stayed behind so someone who may not have gone last year can go this year. Melts my heart!
So this week has been a great week to review concepts, work on our writing, and of course some fun art and lava lamps!

My students had a blast making their lava lamps! Of course, I had to turn it into a science exploration. So I told my students what the ingredients were for the lava lamp and they came up with a hypothesis to test. Earlier this year we talked about mixtures, solutions, and chemical reactions. This helped them form their hypothesis.
Here is what you'll need:
- plastic water bottle
- 1/4 cup water
- 3-4 drops food color
- vegetable oil
- effervescent tablets (Alka-Seltzer)
- funnel
- flashlight (or cell phone light... as in my case)
First pour 1/4 cup water into the water bottle and then add 3-4 drops of food coloring.

Next, fill the rest of the water bottle with vegetable oil. Before they poured the vegetable oil in the water bottle, I asked them to make a prediction on what would happen. After they poured the vegetable oil in the water bottle, I had them record their observations in their science journals. I then asked them to think about why the water and food coloring mixed together, but not the oil. We also discussed density and how water was more dense than the oil.
Wait until the water and oil have separated. The last step is to drop the effervescent tablet into the water bottle (you can have the students leave the lids off or have them put the lids back on after they drop the effervescent tablet in the water bottle). Before they did this I had them make a prediction on what would happen once they dropped the effervescent tablet into the water bottle. They've participated in a few other activities this year with effervescent tablets and chemical reactions. It was awesome to see them think back to those lessons and activities when making their predictions.
I had my students observe the difference between adding one fourth of a tablet versus two fourths and then half a tablet.
Eventually, the bubbles slow down and stop. However, they can take their lava lamps home and start the process all over again by just adding some Alka-Seltzer.

This is so cool! Did you learn about this at the academy??
Ahhh....I wish I had more time to fit this in. My kids would definitely enjoy this! I have 9 kids that are going to be out tomorrow for a Chorus trip to Universal Studios. This would've been perfect for us.
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'