Linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday.
This is what made for a hectic week:
This was the FUN part of my week! Two of our afternoons were filled with science experiments and my kids loved every minute of it! We were finishing up our physical science unit, I will be posting about all this awesomeness later on this week.
After three years, I finally upgraded my phone. Yup, you read that right...3 years...I'm not one to care too much about having the latest and greatest technology gadget/phone. The only reason I upgraded was because my Driod was dying. I've always been a mac girl and now that Verizon sells iPhones, it was the only way to go. I'm lovin' the bright green color!
The not so fun part of my week: physical therapy. For the past two months, I've had some pretty painful knee problems. I kept thinking the pain would go away. After 2 months, I decided it was probably time to go to the orthopedic surgeon. The doctor believes something is wrong with my patella and the tracking and has sent me to physical therapy 3 days a week for 2 months. Friday was my first visit. A bit painful, but my physical therapist is very friendly and I am hoping my knee heals. Walking with a limp and having to take the steps one at a time is no fun.
This pile of papers is just getting bigger and bigger as the week progresses. I never have time at school to grade papers and when I bring them home, they just seem to pile up. I really need to get on the ball with grading, because report cards are due next week.
My boys always put a smile on my face!
Now it's time to relax!