Listening :)
I am a lover of all types of music and find myself finding new artists and songs quite often. I now have Lorde's song "Royals" on repeat. Normally I don't listen to the radio and most of my new found music is found elsewhere. I left my iPod at home and was stuck listening to the radio. This song played and I was hooked! I love it and I can't believe a 16 year old girl sings it. Love her voice.
Loving :)
I'm beginning to think I am the only one out here that loves the heat! We are in the midst of a heat wave out here in Southern California. I suppose 100 degrees is hot, but I can't get enough of it! My friends and husband think I am crazy. I love to sit on my front porch, with a glass of wine and a good book.

Thinking :)
This month is going to be seriously hectic. In fact I am busy pretty much the whole month...crazy! I'm super excited for a few statewide trips I will heading out on. Heading to Portland, OR to visit with some close childhood friends. It seems most of them became Portland transplants and I don't mind one bit! I love visiting them. I'm back for 3 days and then gotta pack up for New Jersey/New York. I was chosen (along with my friend/colleague) to attend the Mickelson ExxonMobil Teacher's Academy. It's a week long all expense paid trip in Jersey City. The academy is focused on inquiry/project based math and science concepts. It should be a lot of fun. Did I mention it is an all expense paid trip?!?! How awesome is that! Our hotel is located along the Hudson River with an amazing view of NYC. Jersey City is super close to NYC, so of course we will be heading out for a few nights on the town. I will tell you all about the academy when I get back. If you are interested check it out and apply. I believe you can start applying in October. Good luck!! Click this link --->>> Mickelson ExxonMobil Teachers Academy
Wanting :)
I really want a cute, light colored summer purse. I'm not the kind of gal who has an array of purses. I've never been that way. I buy a purse and use it until the strap is broken or there is hole in it. I just never had the desire to continually have to switch all my belongings from one purse to the next in order for it to match my outfit. But right now I have a black purse and most of my summer clothing is light in color and the big black blob on my side is an eyesore. Look at how cute the purses below are!

Needing :)
We've been (the hubby and myself) living in our place for 5 years now and have done absolutely nothing to the backyard. I call it the "backyard wasteland" because it is so gross and ugly! When we first moved in we focused on the front and inside of the house. It was a lot of work, we redid everything...from painting the inside and outside to gutting the kitchen (still need to complete the crown molding in the kitchen...but that's another story). So the backyard was put on the back burner. When we moved in their was no grass and there are no sprinklers. This means in the winter we have an overgrown wonderland of weeds (sometimes it's quite beautiful from a photographers eye) and in the summer well it's a barren desert oasis. My poor pooches I know must be yearning for some sweet, soft grass to run their paws through. They bring in all the dirt and weeds and I am the lucky one who is sweeping the floors on a daily basis. The photos below tell the story. We are the proud owners of a few weeds that are taller than yours truly and I'm 5'5. We even have pathways that our boys (my pooches) have created in their wanderings...don't you agree...kind of embarrassing....

Tips, Tricks, or Hints :)
The only bit of advice I've got today would be to keep a positive outlook on life even when the going gets tough. I know it's cliche, but it is so very true. This year I've really tried hard to be positive and for the most part I think I did a pretty good job at it. When I was hit with some hurdles, I tried to look for the good in the situation and everything turned out well. I feel that when people have a positive outlook they are much happier.
I hope you all are enjoying your summer!