The beginning of the month means it's time to link up with Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade for the always fun Currently! Make sure you head on over to her blog and link up!
I just got back from a pretty hard core mountain bike ride with the husband. I think my legs are going to fall off. So now I'm relaxing near the AC unit and listening to some awesome country jams. Yes, I am one of the few Californians that loves country. In fact, Sundays are my favorite because the local country station plays old school jams. I listen to everything music collection is pretty eclectic. That is how is should be though! There is so much amazing music out in this world in all genres! Why limit ourselves?!?!
The past two years have brought many amazing changes and opportunities my way. I'm just soaking it all in and enjoying living life to its fullest. I have been wanting to work closer to home and after 7 years of a very long commute (1.5 hours one way...unless of course the traffic was awful...then it would take longer). I am loving my 15-20 minute city street drive to work. I love my new school! Everyone has been so warm and welcoming. Looking forward to what the year will bring.
Who doesn't love the crisp fresh air that fall brings?
Now that I am saving a ton of time not having to commute to and from work, I want to start shooting more! Photography has always been a passion of mine. In fact, teaching wasn't something I had always wanted to do. I used to want to become a photographer. As it turns out life had different plans for me and I love teaching! But, I want to make time to allow for my creativity to flow.
I need to find some motivation to plan and so forth. I always tell myself I will do it over the weekend. Ya, that never happens. Even with this three day weekend, I haven't found the time to plan for the week or month. Sigh....
3 Trips:
I can only pick three?!?! I have a serious case of wanderlust and want to visit every corner of this amazing world. There is so much to see and experience. I've been fortunate to have been able to do quite a bit of traveling. The only problem with that is, I always come back adding locations I want to visit to my long list of travel destinations. Right now my top three destinations are Jordan, Egypt, and Morocco. Last year, I traveled to Abu Dhabi and fell in love with the Middle East. I want so much to head to Jordan and visit Petra! How amazing would that be. I'm fascinated with history and ever since I was a kid I have wanted to see the pyramids in Egypt. My husband says it is too dangerous right now for me to head that way. Hopefully one of these days. Morocco would be amazing! The colors, the bazaars, can I just hop on a plane right now?